Tuesday Nov 08, 2022
Tuesday Nov 08, 2022
I believe being an advocate is embedded within the role of horsewoman.
I also believe there is no separation between advocacy for our horses and advocacy for ourselves. We become bonded in the relationship of horse and human––no matter where we are on our journey––and our lives become reflections of one another.
Join me as I explore the space of advocacy and how that journey connects those of us who have walked through its fire as equine guardians.
In this episode I share stories about my journey of claiming the role of advocate that is encoded in my design, both in my personal life and in my life with horses, as well as the announcement of a new offering for those who have also felt the call and initiation into the role of advocate.
Instagram: @equineelevationwww.equineelevation.com
Tuesday Nov 01, 2022
Tuesday Nov 01, 2022
I have been in an exploration of the concepts I discuss in this episodes for many, many years. In truth, this exploration began as a child observing the way horses were treated in the two spaces I had access to them––at the ranch where I took riding lessons and at the track where my father’s thoroughbreds raced.
As I began studying and practicing equine bodywork, the discernment between harm being caused to horses consciously or unconsciously became all the more impactful.
In this episode I share some of the pieces I have discovered and distilled during my exploration of conscious vs unconscious harm and the impacts both types of harm have had on my horses and myself.
Instagram: @EquineElevationwww.equineelevation.com
Tuesday Oct 25, 2022
Tuesday Oct 25, 2022
When I released the last episode of Sovereign Horse, I had no intention of taking such a long break from the podcast.
As the weeks went on, I found myself in a space of silence I’d never experienced before. While there was so much bubbling within me that I wanted to share, I literally could not find the words to speak. I couldn’t even find the words to write.
I will admit, it scared me.
Sharing my voice is such an integral aspect of who I am and how I live out my purpose.
As the weeks turned into months, I wondered if I would ever get my voice back. I felt a clear disconnection between my body and my mind.
This feeling lasted nearly five months. And now I understand the importance of this time of silence. Of being within. Of focusing my energy in a different way. Of allowing my mind to truly be the passenger to my body’s innate intelligence and intuition.
And so as I continue to integrate all that I’ve experienced and learned over those five months, my voice feels ready to share again. While I still cannot articulate all that I’m feeling within me right now, I know it will emerge in divine timing as long as I continue to trust, surrender and allow myself to be within that intuitive flow.
And so for now I give you the first episode of Sovereign Horse, Season Two.
Instagram: @EquineElevationwww.equineelevation.com
Sunday May 29, 2022
Sunday May 29, 2022
There is a space that I have recognized is present within the journey of many who find themselves moving through a spiritual and/or ethical awakening in their lives with horses.
This is a space in between realizing you no longer want to operate the way you have been with horses and finding a better path to be in partnership with them. For many, the feeling within this space is one of paralysis. They know they can't continue the way they have been but have no idea how to move forward without continuing to cause harm to the horses they love.
I call this space the pause. Join me as I explore the importance of this phase in the journey and ways to help you move through what you need to process in order to get to the other side.
Instagram: @equineelevation
Sunday May 22, 2022
Sunday May 22, 2022
A recent astrology reading had me really contemplating my life's karmic lessons and how they have manifested in my life with horses.
I had no idea that my astrology chart had written within it the wounding and karmic lessons of both my father and mother's ancestry. This revelation blew my mind. The accuracy and potency of those lessons could not be more present within my life, both with my family and with my horses.
Lessons of control, building walls versus setting boundaries, victimhood and feeling unheard. Join me as I explore these karmic lessons and how they have presented themselves in my journey with horses throughout my life.
Instagram: @equineelevation
Sunday May 15, 2022
Sunday May 15, 2022
Join me for a lovely conversation with Susan Jackson who is an absolutely beautiful horse woman with the brightest and most loving soul.
Susan and I share the story of a powerful co-experience we had together while receiving horse medicine from the herd at Epona Rise. We were immersed in both the individual and collective experience of what was being held between us and the horses we both felt called to in the space.
Neither of us had experienced horse medicine in this way before and it was really cool to unpack this exchange and uncover even more layers to the learning than we had initially absorbed when it happened.
We also dive into the concept of embodied leadership and how Susan received this teaching from the horses. She also speaks to the evolution of her understanding of what embodied leadership is and the depths and range it encompasses.
I absolutely loved having this conversation with Susan. I am so deeply grateful to have met her and am honoured to share her wisdom and energy with you all.
https://www.susancjackson.com/Susan on Instagram @sharingyellow
Instagram: @equineelevationwww.equineelevation.com
Sunday May 08, 2022
Sunday May 08, 2022
If you’ve ever been curious about what the heck animal communication is all about or you’ve heard about the Akashic Records but have no idea what they are or how they can support you and your animals, this episode is for you!
Animal Intuitive, Elsa Janney, is back on the podcast to talk all about the differences between animal communication and the Akashic Records and why and when you might use them. I share the story of how I was first introduced to animal communication and how it has been a total game-changer in my life with my animal crew. Elsa also shares some tips on how you can begin to play with animal communication yourself!
In my opinion, the greatest act of honouring our horses’ sovereignty is by giving them a voice and animal communication and the Akashic Records are two incredible pathways for them to speak directly to us.
Be sure to listen to the end for a very special guest appearance by one of the Equine Elevation herd members who channels a beautiful message and meditation for the Sovereign Horse community through Elsa.
Elsa Janney: www.wolfwinds.comInstagram: @wolf_windsAngela Saieva: www.equineelevation.comInstagram: @equineelevation
Sunday May 01, 2022
Sunday May 01, 2022
Join me as I speak with author and publisher, Lina Petersdotter, and author and illustrator, Nica Ware, about their upcoming international co-author book project, Unlocking the Wisdom of Horses Within You. (Spoiler alert: I'm one of the co-authors!)
It was an absolute pleasure to record this beautiful conversation for you all. Lina, Nica and I speak about how horses have helped us find the courage and vulnerability to follow where we are being called in our lives and the importance of each person’s role and gift in the world.
Hear stories on learning the importance of reconnecting with ourselves and understanding what it means to be human before we can truly partner with horses, as well as the gift in stepping away from horses in order to return to them as a better partner and advocate.
Lina and Nica also share about the community they are building through this co-author project that they hope will become a safe space for those who feel the call to partner with horses in a deeper way.
https://www.thewisdomofhorses.com/Instagram: @unlocking_horse_wisdomThe Wisdom of Horses Facebook CommunityEquine Elevation WebsiteEquine Elevation Instagram: @equineelevation
Sunday Apr 24, 2022
Sunday Apr 24, 2022
In this episode I speak with Elsa Janney of Wolf Winds and Nica Ware of Nica Draws Nature about our upcoming women's retreat, Into the Unknown.
The ladies and I chat about how we met, how the retreat came to be and the ways we trusted our intuition as we were guided to create this space alongside the land in the foothills of Montana as well as Elsa's herd, Ariel, Edith and Dakota.
If you've been curious about joining the retreat and want to learn more this episode is a must listen!
Into the Unknown Retreat Info
Elsa Janneyhttps://www.wolfwinds.com/
Nica Warehttps://nicadrawsnature.com/
Angela | Equine Elevation Instagramwww.equineelevation.com
Sunday Apr 17, 2022
Sunday Apr 17, 2022
In this episode I share the lessons and messages I received during my recent trip to Epona Rise Retreat Centre and Chilliwack, BC .
Adaptability was a huge theme for me around this trip and it was a potent space of learning that seemed to never let up until I stepped foot back in Ontario.
I also received many teachings and pieces of wisdom from Hillary Schneider's herd at Epona Rise, especially around following our purpose, getting hung up on right vs wrong, being open to possibilities and learning how to really own and hold our energy.
Follow us on Instagram: @equineelevation
Meet Your Host, Angela Saieva
Horses are my life.
When I reflect on my time with them, I barely recognize the person I began this journey as.
Horses have been my greatest catalysts and inspiration for my own personal growth and evolution. They saw a potential within me of the type of human and horsewoman I could be, and they encourage me every day to step more fully into that role.
Horses have shown me the path to opening myself back up to my intuition and my innate gifts. They have been a reconnection point not only to myself, but all the living beings who are interconnected through life on Earth.
Horses have shared their immense wisdom and capacity for love with me. And through this, we have co-created meaningful lives together that are filled with purpose. Each day we work together toward expanding our individual consciousnesses. And through our individual work, we add to the expansion of the collective consciousness of both horses and humans.
The horses have asked me to use my voice to speak on their behalf. To share their wisdom with others. To walk the path of true partnership. To be an example of what that life can look like. To help others who deeply desire to walk this path as well–those who know within their hearts there is a better way, a more joyful way, a more purposeful way to live a life alongside these extraordinary animals.
To create spaces for the healing, expansion and evolution of horses and their humans, which is the intention behind Sovereign Horse.