Sunday Apr 10, 2022
Sunday Apr 10, 2022
Join me as I speak with Delaya Diana of True North Equestrians about her experiences and work connecting horses and their humans through their spiritual journey together.
I was excited to speak with Delaya about her Soul Purpose Readings after having them done for each member of my herd. We chat about common themes and messages from horses within these readings and the different ways in which horses communicate their messages through Delaya as the scribe.
I also share an excerpt from a Soul Purpose Reading with my Indy horse and we unpack his message and discuss ways to work with and honour our spiritual and ethereal horses like Indy.
All this plus the power and magic of hair, creating spirit portraits in honour of horses here and gone, and the beautiful, immersive spiritual quest Delaya facilities her clients through with their horses in her signature program, The Secret World of Horse!
Delaya Diana, True North Equestrians
Angela Saieva, Equine ElevationInstagram: @equineelevation
Sunday Apr 03, 2022
Sunday Apr 03, 2022
This episode is all about my very first horse, Dido. This is also the first of the Meet the Herd series where I will dedicate an episode to each of the members of my herd who inspired this podcast to be created.
Hear the story of how Dido and I came to be in one another’s lives and the very emotional (and illogical decision) I made when I chose to buy her. I also share stories of our struggle to find joy within our relationship, the message Dido offers me time and time again, and the beautiful experience of learning about your horse through witnessing them share their magic and medicine with others.
Instagram: @equineelevation
Friday Mar 25, 2022
Friday Mar 25, 2022
It was such an honour to record this episode with animal intuitive and wild woman, Elsa Janney. Journey with us into a deep dive exploration of how stepping into our sovereignty extends to our horses and all the beings in our lives. Learn about animals as soul family, the importance of healing our horse-human ancestry, and practical ways we can offer our horses more sovereignty right here and now. Plus so, so much more!Elsa Janney | Wolf Windswww.wolfwinds.comInstagram: @wolf_winds
Angela Saieva | Equine Elevationwww.equineelevation.comInstagram: @equineelevation
Monday Mar 21, 2022
Monday Mar 21, 2022
Sovereign Horse is a space to explore what it means to support sovereignty in our horses and in ourselves.
In this episode, meet your host Angela Saieva of Equine Elevation, and hear stories that she was guided to share that set the tone and intention of what Sovereign Horse means to her.
Get ready for a raw, real and emotional inaugural episode.
Connect with Angela:
Instagram: @equineelevation
Equi-Bow Bodywork Modality
Instagram: @equi_bow
Horse Medicine Leadership
Instagram: @horsemedicineleadership
Meet Your Host, Angela Saieva
Horses are my life.
When I reflect on my time with them, I barely recognize the person I began this journey as.
Horses have been my greatest catalysts and inspiration for my own personal growth and evolution. They saw a potential within me of the type of human and horsewoman I could be, and they encourage me every day to step more fully into that role.
Horses have shown me the path to opening myself back up to my intuition and my innate gifts. They have been a reconnection point not only to myself, but all the living beings who are interconnected through life on Earth.
Horses have shared their immense wisdom and capacity for love with me. And through this, we have co-created meaningful lives together that are filled with purpose. Each day we work together toward expanding our individual consciousnesses. And through our individual work, we add to the expansion of the collective consciousness of both horses and humans.
The horses have asked me to use my voice to speak on their behalf. To share their wisdom with others. To walk the path of true partnership. To be an example of what that life can look like. To help others who deeply desire to walk this path as well–those who know within their hearts there is a better way, a more joyful way, a more purposeful way to live a life alongside these extraordinary animals.
To create spaces for the healing, expansion and evolution of horses and their humans, which is the intention behind Sovereign Horse.